Are You Stuck in Twitter's Beginner's Hell?

The journey from 0 to 1k followers is the toughest.It's not rare to see people unable to breakthrough for months.You might even see others that started after you skyrocket with viral post after viral post.And then you wonder, "What am I doing wrong?"This is the beginner's hell. And if you can't escape it ASAP, you might never grow on the platform.And if you are still stuck in beginner's hell, this post is for you.So read on as I show you in the next couple of minutes how to break from it.Take me as an example.I gained 1k followers in less than 2 months.And after 5 months, I crossed the 5K mark.Unfortunately, others that have started at the same time I did and posted even more than I did, either quit or are still posting into the void. With little to no followers to show for.Beginner's hell is very real.The good news is that there is nothing inherently wrong with you.You are simply missing a repeatable, up-to-date growth strategy.

Why You Can't Break Through Beginner's Hell

What I've noticed is that many creators lack guidance.They might follow multiple people for growth advice but don't really know what they're doing.They are working hard, creating a huge backlog of posts, but still not getting anywhere.And most feel like they are on the verge of burning out.In fact, when I look back at the people who started with me, most of them quit.They couldn't grow fast enough to justify the time commitment.On the other hand, those who didn't quit have seen massive growth.The sad reality is that being a content creator is a sink or swim situation.Those who grow reap all of the rewards, while those who don't grow burn out and quit.And if you don't want to be one of them, you need to escape beginner's hell as quickly as possible.

I Want To Help You Become The Next Big AI Personal Brand

The rewards of being a X creator are incredible.I've been mentioned in media articles, including Forbes...I've had meetings with CEOs from Fortune 500 companies who wanted to hear my thoughts on their projects...I built an audiece of avid buyers who buy my stuff when I promote it...

I'm not saying this to brag, but to show you that being a Twitter creator is worth it.You'll have opportunities you never knew existed, available only to those in the know.And I want you to access these types of opportunities that come only to those who have established a strong online presence.That's why I've decided to open up 2 mentorship spots for people who are serious about growing their personal brand on X.Now, I am only opening 2 spots because I want to give these people my full and undivided attention.I will personally work with them to figure out their sticking points and bottlenecks, and provide the most amount of value I can give to them.I want to go above and beyond for these people. I will do everything in my power to help them grow.Later on I plan on charging upwards of $499 per month for this mentorship and personal guidance.But for now, I will offer it for only $199/mo since I am only offering this service to my dearest followers.So, if that's something you're interested in, here's how I can help you...

X-Growth 1 on 1
Premium Mentorship

As I mentioned earlier, I will only work with two individuals to provide them with my full attention and personalized assistance.So if you're serious about growing your account, this is an offer you might want to consider.However, while I aim to make the system as effortless as possible, please don't expect it to be a complete plug-and-play system that requires no work on your part.It still requires effort, albeit less than if you were doing it alone.If you can dedicate two to three hours per day, that's sufficient.You don't need to make X your new daytime job, that's not the point.On the other hand, if you are expecting to make 100% passive income or only work 10 to 15 minutes a day, this isn't for you.So, if you think this can help you grow on the platform and you are willing to put in the effort, I urge you to take this chance.Feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions.Kind regards.